Auroral FUV Ionosonde

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This website displays coincident satellite-based far ultraviolet (FUV) and ground-based ionosonde observations used in the NASA-funded project: "Determining relative proton and electron auroral LBH emission efficiencies from FUV-ionosonde comparisons." It includes FUV and E region ionogram images from approximately 2000 overpasses of four high latitude ionosondes.

To view the data, first select subset and "sorted by" options from the two menus above. Then click the display button, and a table will be displayed (in a new browser tab) showing data values corresponding to the subset option, sorted according to the "sorted by" option. One may view an "overflight details" page with images and additional data values for any particular coincidence by clicking a hyperlink labeled "link" in the rightmost column of the table, which opens a new browser tab.

E region ionospheric parameters could only be extracted from ionograms for about half of the coincidences. If one selects the "scaled" subset option, then only coincident data for which ionogram-extracted parameters are available will be listed in the table, once the display button has been clicked.

Since the tables and "overflight details" pages are very wide, we recommend making the browser window as wide as possible and zooming out in the browser (if necessary) so that an entire page can be viewed at once.

There has not been time to add all of the features to the website that we had in mind, but it is already useful in its current state. Questions may be sent to the email address obtained by reversing the following: moc tod ipc ta thgink. Thanks for visiting.